
Theo Thứ Tự
Buddhism of Wisdom and Faith - Pure Land Principles and Practice
Đăng Ngày: 09/7/2022 | Xem: 140
Traditionally, in Mahayana temples and pagodas, monks and nuns recite the Amitabha Sutra in their evening prayer session, followed by the sacred names of the three Pure Land Sages: Amitabha Buddha and the Bodhisattvas Avalokitesvara (Kuan Yin/Kannan) and Mahasthamaprapta (Shih Chih/Seishi)....

Pure-Land Zen Zen Pure-Land - Letter from Patriarch Yin Kuang
Đăng Ngày: 09/7/2022 | Xem: 126
The goal of all Buddhist practice is to achieve Enlightenment and transcend the cycle of Birth and Death – that is, to attain Buddhahood. In the Mahayana tradition, the precondition for Buddhahood is the Bodhi Mind, the aspiration to achieve Enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings,...

Pure Land Buddhism Dialogs with Ancient Masters
Đăng Ngày: 09/7/2022 | Xem: 136
Some people misunderstand the Pure Pland method, believing it to be entirely forcussed on practice and devoid of philosophical teaching. That is, in the pure land sustras,

Buddhist Pilgrimage
Đăng Ngày: 06/7/2022 | Xem: 126
The idea of a pilgrimage came from the Buddha himself. Before He passed into Mahaparinibbana, the Buddha advised pious disciples to visit four places that may be for their inspiration after He was gone. They are Lumbini, where He was born; Buddhagaya, where He attained Supreme Enlightenment; Deer...

To Understand Buddhism
Đăng Ngày: 06/7/2022 | Xem: 126
The idea of a pilgrimage came from the Buddha himself. Before He passed into Mahaparinibbana, the Buddha advised pious disciples to visit four places that may be for their inspiration after He was gone. They are Lumbini, where He was born; Buddhagaya, where He attained Supreme Enlightenment; Deer...

Buddhism As An Education
Đăng Ngày: 06/7/2022 | Xem: 145
The idea of a pilgrimage came from the Buddha himself. Before He passed into Mahaparinibbana, the Buddha advised pious disciples to visit four places that may be for their inspiration after He was gone. They are Lumbini, where He was born; Buddhagaya, where He attained Supreme Enlightenment; Deer...

What Buddhist Believe
Đăng Ngày: 06/7/2022 | Xem: 257
GAUTAMA BUDDHA, the founder of Buddhism, lived in Northern India in the 6th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name was Gautama. He was called the ‘Buddha’ after He attained Enlightenment and realized the ultimate Truth. ‘Buddha’ means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened...

Buddhism For The Future
Đăng Ngày: 06/7/2022 | Xem: 231
GAUTAMA BUDDHA, the founder of Buddhism, lived in Northern India in the 6th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name was Gautama. He was called the ‘Buddha’ after He attained Enlightenment and realized the ultimate Truth. ‘Buddha’ means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened...

The Buddhist Way
Đăng Ngày: 06/7/2022 | Xem: 216
GAUTAMA BUDDHA, the founder of Buddhism, lived in Northern India in the 6th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name was Gautama. He was called the ‘Buddha’ after He attained Enlightenment and realized the ultimate Truth. ‘Buddha’ means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened...

Good Question and Good Answer
Đăng Ngày: 04/7/2022 | Xem: 233
Many things seem strange to us when we don’t understand them. Rather than dismiss such things as strange, we should try to find out what they mean. However, it is true that Buddhist practices sometimes have their origins in popular superstition and misunderstanding rather than the teachings of the...

Buddha's Tales for Young and Old Volume 2
Đăng Ngày: 04/7/2022 | Xem: 155
GAUTAMA BUDDHA, the founder of Buddhism, lived in Northern India in the 6th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name was Gautama. He was called the ‘Buddha’ after He attained Enlightenment and realized the ultimate Truth. ‘Buddha’ means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened...

Buddha's Tales for Young and Old Volume 1
Đăng Ngày: 04/7/2022 | Xem: 162
GAUTAMA BUDDHA, the founder of Buddhism, lived in Northern India in the 6th century B.C. His personal name was Siddhartha, and his family name was Gautama. He was called the ‘Buddha’ after He attained Enlightenment and realized the ultimate Truth. ‘Buddha’ means the ‘Awakened’ or the ‘Enlightened...

Buddha Dhamma For University Students
Đăng Ngày: 04/7/2022 | Xem: 121
THE BEST WAY of answering this is to quote the Buddha himself, “Know this, O Monks: Now, as formerly, I teach of only dukkha (suffering, unsatisfactoriness) and the elimination of dukkha.” Whether or not this answer agrees with what you had thought, please take good note of it. There are many other...